Monday, March 23, 2009

How we met! Interesting story.....

My Honey sells Honda ATV's and Motorcycles! I was gonna b in the market for a new 4-wheeler in the near future. I didnt get mine other one in the divorce earlier last year. My best friend called the local Honda dealership, and jus so happened that Jason aswered the phone (something salesmen dont do very often).... She was looking to order her husband (one of my best friends from high school) his dirt bike early and surprise him. For a month or so, she had dealt with "Jason" and getting this bike ordered, here, and home to surprise Terrance. The day she went and did the final paperwork, she called me on the phone. She said "when u buy ur 4 wheeler u are buying it from Jason! He is so funny AND gorgeous". She proceded to tell me that in all their conversation she had invited him to go ride dirt bikes AND horses with us sometime. AND, when she was going to Honda shop the next week she wanted me to go and meet him..... and talk about my 4 wheeler! hehe.... Well, being the girl I am............ I looked him up on the dealerships web page and got his full name. I had jus started a new myspace page, so I searched him. There he was in a cowboy hat! I was soo ready to meet my new salesman! lol. We talked on myspace for a few days. Jus vague stuff. 4 wheelers, ridin his motorcycle, etc...... I was (and still am) am big Harley Davidson fan (he hates that ~ he has a sport bike) and I had told him I would come in with Yvonne and order me a Honda tshirt to add to my Harley T collection - LOL. What a great EXCUSE! Needless to say, I met him that day. Was googly, I'll admit it! He came to Atlanta, we rode his bike about 3 days later..... the rest is HISTORY! For two people who were JUS lookin for FUN ~ we got married not quite 4 months later!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Wolf Pen Gap ~ Mena, Arkansas

Spring Break 2009!

Saturday March 14 ~ We left after Jason got off work and headed to Mena, Arkansas for some Mountain 4-wheelin' and good ole campin! We rented a primitive cabin this trip since we dont have a tent or a camper and it was great! Cutest little cabin... it had a full size matttress and a twin mattress downstairs and a twin in a loft (if u can call it that). We had to take our own bed linens and towels for the shower house there at the campground. We arrived at almost dark so we made the bed and hung out at the picnic table and observed the folks who had rode all day Sat and were "chillin" by the fire! The neighbors were hilarious entertainment! Drunken dancing is Funny Stuff when its not you! We hit the sack early so we could ride ALL day Sunday!

Sunday March 15 ~ We packed our cooler with a picnic lunch (no alcohol on the national forest trails) and headed out about 10 am. We purchased firewood before we left so we cud have ourselves a relaxing evening by the fire when we returned after a long day of riding! The scenery was beutiful. Although, it misted rain on us the first half of the day. We rode to the top of High Point and saw the old mine, etc. We ventured on the "for skilled riders only - steep incline" trails also. You know Jason wouldnt have it any other way!! We rode ALL day. Got back to camp about 6pm. Lit up the grill...... grilled burgers and Portobella mushrooms! mmm mmm good! Had us some toddy ~ but no dancing (we didnt want to entertain OUR neighbors! LOL).

Monday March 16 ~ We had planned to head on out this morning. But , it was a gorgeous sunny day and we didnt hit quite all the trails yesterday. We climbed Hawks Meadow Pass and saw the two foot oak! Today was great! Great weather and some really neat trails. We will be back. Maybe next time with a few friends. We stayed and Wolf Pen ATV Campground and they were great people! Loved it! Our first camping trip together was AWESOME!